Just be more productive! No. Be realistic.
The amount of information each employee deals with today is 80 times what it was in the 1970s (this refers to the information we handle, not the total amount that exists).
Therefore, it’s no longer just about getting organized—even the most organized people struggle with the sheer volume.
Additionally, we interrupt each other every few minutes, effectively reducing knowledge worker productivity to almost zero.
We need help.
Therefore, it’s no longer just about getting organized—even the most organized people struggle with the sheer volume.
Additionally, we interrupt each other every few minutes, effectively reducing knowledge worker productivity to almost zero.
We need help.
The Future of Work and New Work are not what mainstream advisors claim them to be.
The Future of Work employs methods and tools that enhance productivity in knowledge work, allowing staff to take time for important conversations, return calls promptly, prepare thoroughly for delicate negotiations, and achieve greater overall success.
And no, this is not achieved through shared desks and open-plan offices.

Systematic approach to unleash team productivity
Based on the realities and requirements of your business, we collaborate with you and your teams to find the best solutions that your teams will love, enabling them to drive greater success for your organization.
- Self-check for teams
- Toolbox of methods (mostly free of charge)
- Recommendation of digital and AI tools (on request, vendor agnostic).
- Task analysis: Identifying tasks suitable for AI-assisted mass processing
There is no standard "cure"