Wo manages information in your organization?
The CIO (Chief Information Officer) is traditionally seen as a technical management role, often excluding Information Management. This is unfortunate, as data and information are the foundation of today's business.
Let's change this and actively manage information.
Search times unchanged in 25 years? Consider AI in search.
For the past 25 years, we've spent 1 to 3 hours per person per day searching for information. This is a significant waste of time and resources. Let's change this for good. Our AI solution will revolutionize your information management needs - and it's not ChatGPT, nor does it need to be cloud-based. We’ve been experts in AI long before it became a buzzword. Think about all aspects of information management – we can help.
- Reducing search times
- Issue Management (Strategic Threat Detection and Technology Scouting) - not to be confused with issues as part of operations
- Document analysis (contract management etc.)
- Intelligent Document Processing (AI)
- Data science, data quality
- and much more
- You are the CEO and you like to exchange ideas and discuss options, perhaps to better understand your current providers.
- You are the CIO and want someone to collaborate with you and your team to set up information management, cognitive services, or issue management. Or, you simply want to discuss options and alternatives before moving forward.
If any of this applies to you